ParentCorps is thrilled to share that our partners at the Corpus Christi Independent School District (CCISD) have been awarded the 2019 School Health Advisory Councils (SHAC) Award, in part due to their implementation of ParentCorps. In partnership with the University of Texas at Austin and the Morris L. Lichtenstein Medical Research Foundation, CCISD successfully launched its first year of ParentCorps in 2019, serving approximately 70 pre-K children and families across two schools.
The SHAC Awards are an Initiative from the Texas Action for Healthy Kids’ SHAC Leadership Team. Award winners demonstrate commitment and success in fostering both the health knowledge and skills kids need to be healthy for a lifetime. It's the only award in Texas focused on the work of School Health Advisory Councils and their efforts.
CCISD will be honored for their dedication to strengthening the connection between health and education at the Healthier Texas Summit this October. You can read more about their accomplishment and other award winners here. Congrats to our partners at CCISD!